Posted by Nobody on 10 April 2017

Don’t ever play boules with Lynn Desborough. Or rounders. And certainly not Gaelic Handball.

In fact, don‘t challenge her to any sport that puts you at the mercy of her laser-guided ball placement.

Seven times in as many minutes the former Scotland Commonwealth Games 2006 ‘keeper launched a pitch-perfect long-distance lob from the mouth of her goal to within an inch of the player for whom the pass was intended.

Four of them were scooped up and quickly converted into the goals that helped Leeds Sharks glide 5-1 ahead of the Welsh Wanderers by the half-way point in Sunday’s must-win second leg of the 2017 Women’s British Water Polo Championships.

On the receiving end of the passes were current GB U19 star Emily Pilkington (2), Jo Duncan (Cpt), and Leeds’ Welsh International Rhiannon Foulds. Miriam Ridha opened her account by scoring the fifth after a cunning steal from Wanderers goalkeeper Nina Rickards.

The commanding Leeds lead was also a triumph for fearless defending by former GB U17 players Emma Little, Minnie Gale and Emily Sutcliffe and current GB U19 squad member Lauren Richardson.

Midway mentoring by coach Rohan Monaco gave the Wanderers the impetus to lurch into the second half with renewed vigour, and despite the fearless efforts of current GB U17 and U19 ‘keeper Sophie Jackson; who took over in goal for the second half, Leeds quickly had their lead cut to a single point.

Only a clever second goal for Rhiannon Foulds following a well-timed pass from Kate Teasdale - and an Emma Little penalty, enabled the Sharks to recapture the upper hand and go into the final quarter 7-4 up.

The Wanderers flurry proved to be short-lived and it took Leeds only a few minutes to regain their composure and shape. A clever half-way steal by former Australia U17 squad left-hander Sophie Sowerby set up a third goal for Rhiannon Foulds; who then found the net for a fourth time within minutes.

Two more inspired goals from a spectacularly in-form Miriam Ridha sealed the Wanderers’ fate and left the Sharks with much from which to take comfort and confidence as they set their sights on their mini-league’s final leg against Manchester. 

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